Saturday, April 19, 2008


I am just taking a break from my final Passover preparations and watching the Pope celebrate mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral. Even though, religiously, it has no meaning for me, the pageantry is lovely to watch.

Tonight and tomorrow night we will perform the Passover seder. While it will not be of the magnitude of the single mass I'm watching right now, in some ways it might even be bigger, as we will be performing it while, collectively, millions of other jewish families around the globe will be reading and recalling the same story as us. It is the same story and ritual that was celebrated by many generations of my family before me and I pray to G-d that it can and will be celebrated by many generations of my family after me.

To all who will be observing, I wish you a zisn, koshern, freylakhn Pesach (a sweet, kosher, happy Passover)!!!


Amy (TheGiggleWorm) said...

Happy Passoever!

Amy (TheGiggleWorm) said...

I am sorry - that should read....

Happy Passover!

Dagny said...

Happy Passover!!

mrsgingergrl said...

I was watching the Mass this morning too and kept wondering, what would a Non-Catholic think of all this pomp and circumstance.... I'm glad (and not surprised) that you were able to see the beauty in it.

Happy happy Passover Lisa, to you and your family!

Michelle said...

Happy Passover to you and your family too.

Our Sedar was exactly 2 minutes - not an easy thing to have with a cranky 4 and 2 year old.