Friday, September 12, 2008

It's official

No great shock here, but, the result of IVF #6/IUI#3, or, whatever the heck we want to call this cycle this SNAFU of a cycle, is negative.

In a way, I feel relieved. I know there was always a chance, but, that chance was so low that the last two weeks have just felt like torture. But, a different kind of torture than a regular 2 week wait. This was the torture of, c'mon, let's just get it over with already so we can move on.

So, yeah, now that it's officially over, I'm actually relieved that I can look forward to IVF #7. I already have a call in to Dr. Expert, who I expect to hear from on Monday, and we'll decide where we go from here.

But, for now, honestly, I'm doing OK.


my hope my faith my love said...

So sorry, it is disappointing no matter what. Praying for IVF#7, #7 is my lucky number, maybe it will be yours too.

Ariella said...

A BFN still sucks no matter how much of a long shot it was. I am sorry. Thinking positively about the future I really hope Dr Expert has a lot to say. Looking forward to hearing the details of that conversation on Monday.

Amy (TheGiggleWorm) said...

Totally totally stinks!!! 7 is a lucky number, maybe #7 will do the trick.


Emily said...

I agree with p/p BFN's suck no matter how expected. I am so very sorry!

Hoping Monday brings you some answers...


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your last cycle did not go like you planned. Maybe in time, if IVF does not work, you will be open to adoption...It can still provide you with a baby to love. Just food for thought. Good luck to you!

the Babychaser: said...

Hi. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and being so supportive.

I'm so sorry about the BFN. I feel like those of us who go beyond 3 IVF cycles are a rare breed, with our own unique prospective and baggage.

I read your post from earlier this week about how to cope with other IF's who get pregnant, and I have to tell you, I could have written the exact same thoughts myself. In fact, I've THOUGHT about writing that post. It's so hard. I used to be excited when ART worked for someone else. Look! It works! It can work for me too! Now I only get excited when it works for someone on their 5th or 6th or 7th cycle. Because I'm having trouble believing at this point that it CAN work for us.

Good luck with IVF #7. I think I'm starting my #5 in just over a month. At this point, I don't even write down my drug regimen, and I can mix a menapur shot in my sleep. Surely that must count for something, right?

Kate said...

I am glad you are doing ok and that you are looking forward to the next round. Take care.

Linda said...

I'm so sorry Lisa. I really hope that the next cycle has things go much better.

Sandy said...

I'm so sorry Lisa!

Ms Heathen said...

I'm so sorry, Lisa. I think that, no matter how remote we know the chance to be, somehow we always allow a glimmer of hope to creep in.

I am glad that you are able to see this as a beginning rather than an ending, and hope that you can agree a plan of action with Dr Expert on Monday.

Dagny said...

Ah crap. I wish it was different.
